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Customer experience (CX)

KENYA's #1 CSAT PLATFORM : Running continuous Qualitative customer satisfaction surveys for Public, Private and Government sectors.

Get Started

Understand how customers feel about your brand through our real-time surveys

Our platform will help you understand what is working across your business and what isn’t, giving you the opportunity to improve on the negative and double down on the positive. By opening the door for your customers to have their say, you’ll get ideas about other avenues you can explore to improve your business

  • Build rapport with the customer

    Start the conversation and show customers their opinions matter. Providing you act on this feedback, this can turn customers into brand ambassadors and promoters – which can increase your reputation by word of mouth. Word of mouth is the most trusted form of marketing and it’s completely free! You just need to earn it first.

  • Know what’s working

    Without knowing what’s working, you risk potentially ruining a good thing with blind changes. For example, you might think a product isn’t generating much revenue due to tight margins and plan to change it. But a customer satisfaction survey may reveal that low-margin product is what brings a lot of customers to the store, making it a loss leader that generates additional revenue.

  • Right the wrongs

    Customers who have a negative experience might not always make a complaint; they’ll just leave and never come back. This is because most people don’t like to instigate confrontation. But with a customer satisfaction survey, you are inviting the discussion and this makes customers more likely to open up about a negative. Crucially: this gives you the chance to make it right and keep the customer on your side.

  • Find new opportunities

    Give customers the opportunity to make additional comments about how you can best serve their needs. This can result in new opportunities to expand your product lines or services based directly on customer feedback, making it more likely to succeed. Not only can this improve customer spend but it can also improve customer loyalty and boost repeat business.

TOTAL Surveys Responses 518
TOTAL Users Sign up 9

Currently running Surveys

Our clients are generating real-time data and drawing actionable insights that is helping them improve their business

Our platform has multiple Integration capability
