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  • Enterprises across industries stand at an inflection point today. In order to thrive in the digital age, technologies such as cloud based analytics occupy center stage. In order to offer enterprises the maximum benefit of this technology to further their business objectives, Watu Analytics is designed to be able to reach customers in various platforms running on the cloud to enable collection and generation of customer - client feedback.

    Watu Analytics is a next-generation technology company that helps enterprises reimagine their businesses for the digital age. Our technology is built on decades of innovation and understanding of the marketing research, with a world-renowned management philosophy, a strong culture of invention and risk-taking, and a relentless focus on customer relationships.

    Empowered with rich technical experience Watu Analytics has embarked as one of the leading business-driven cloud based market research platforms in Kenya. Surpassing clients’ expectations by delivering an agile and high-performance solution. Watu Analytics technical prowess allows our clients to meet bespoke and real-time customer feedback to ensure our business partners are able to action the data.

    With our team of researchers we can further contribute in insight generation for clients businesses. By having creative and decades of practical research experience coupled with  our custom software solution we will help increase your business productivity and efficiency for sure.