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  • Consumer Feedback - NIA - January 2023
  • How often do you use our product in a year?

    PROMPT - The response should include numerical mention for example every month or every year

    When, how, and where do you use this product?

    PROMPT - When - response should include time of day :How - should be very descriptive indicating things like the step by step use of the product : Where - should include where the product is used or prepared

    What do you like best about this product?

    PROMPT - Should be detailed and focusing on physical attributes , price points

    What problem did this product help you solve?

    PROMPT - This can include the purchaser or the user of the product

    Do you feel the product price is reasonable?

    PROMPT - The response should include the current price they are purchasing

    Does our product meet your expectations?

    PROMPT - Response should start with what are the expectations first and then whether the product does meet the expectations

    What are your problems or concerns you have when using this product?

    PROMPT - Should start with the problems the respondent has

    What influences you to choose this product over others?

    PROMT - The respondent to indicate any influence from either which is either internal for example ( personal preference ) or external ( Someone or something has influenced them)

    Who do you think is our best competitor(s)?

    PROMPT - This can be a local or foreign product and it can even be a product from outside the category

    What features or qualities do you think are better in our competitor’s product?

    PROMPT - The respondent should first mention the competitors name

    What do you think can be improved in the product?

    PROMPT - The respondent can talk about the product itself or the market conditions in which this product exists

    Which product features would you like to see in the future?

    PROMPT - Respondent should focus on intrinsic features such colour, smell. They can also reference competition who has something better that they would like.

    How likely are you to recommend our product to your friends or colleagues?

    PROMPT - Respondent start with a response of Likely or Unlikely then they can give the reason for either answer.

    How can you advise us to ensure our products remain competitive?

    PROMPT - The respondent can talk about anything - product, or competition - ( when competition is mentioned they have to say the actual name)

    How satisfied are you with the product quality on a scale of 1 to 10?

    PROMPT - indicate the number

    Not at all likely Neutral Extremely likely

    What is your name?

    What's your phone number

    What's you email address?

    What's your gender?

    Which of the following best describes your personal monthly income?